This policy is an amended version of the LTA Fact sheet.
If you are unhappy with any matter in connection with the Tournament, you may raise the matter verbally with the Referee. If you are still not satisfied, a written complaint may be lodged with the LTA using the Contact Us Form at www.LTA.org.uk/Contact-Us. The LTA will determine what further action, if any, should be taken, including referring the matter to another party such as the Committee and/or the LTA Disciplinary Officer (to be dealt with in accordance with the LTA’s Disciplinary and Dispute Resolution Procedures). For the avoidance of doubt, the results of all matches connected to the complaint will stand in any event.
Match times are fixed by the Referee and are not negotiable. All competitors are considered available to play all times throughout the published dates and times of the Tournament. It is each competitor’s responsibility to find out when they are required to play. First match times will usually be sent to players by email. This information will also be published on the LTA Competition Portal as well. If you have not been informed when you are playing within 48 hours of the start of the tournament, please contact the Referee. If you miss your match, you will lose your entry and admin fee and be subject to no show penalties under the LTA Withdrawal Penalty system. During the Tournament, you must not leave the recreation ground without checking if and when you are required to play next.
All competitors who enter the Tournament use the recreation ground and compete at their own risk. Neither the Tournament, its officials nor the council, its staff, management or Committee will be responsible for death, personal injury, or loss of or damage to property whether occurring on the premises or otherwise, other than liability for negligence incurred under English law. If we make a mistake which prevents you from playing or continuing in the Tournament, the maximum amount we shall be liable for is the value of your entry fee for that event.
With the exception of LTA Staged Competitions, ownership of the competition lies with Committee not the LTA. Any correspondence in relation to the Tournament shall be directed to the Referee.
Wild Cards
The Referee and/or the Committee reserve the right to issue wild cards, in accordance with LTA Competition Regulations.
Refund Policy
You will not be charged an entry fee for an event if:
• we cancel the Tournament;
• we decide not to run an event;
• your application to an event was unsuccessful;
• you cancelled an application prior to the published cancellation deadline (subject to an admin fee)
• you were placed on a reserve list but were not called upon to play;
• you were placed on a reserve list and invited to take part with less than 24 hours’ notice and decided not to accept; and/or
• we are unable to accept your application for any other reason.
Rules Governing the Tournament
The Tournament is sanctioned by the Lawn Tennis Association (“the LTA”) and will be run in strict accordance with the ITF Rules of Tennis, the Rules of the LTA and the LTA Competition Regulations, including the LTA Code of Conduct (as each may be amended from time to time). By submitting an application to the Tournament you acknowledge and agree that you are subject to the Rules and Regulations of the LTA including the application of the LTA Competition Regulations (including the LTA Code of Conduct), the ITF Rules of Tennis and the Rules of the LTA (including the LTA’s Disciplinary and Dispute Resolution Procedures, Tennis Anti-Doping Program and Regulations concerning Match Fixing, Financial Speculation and Betting). The Committee may alter or add to these rules in which case we will post written details on the tournament notice board and/or the Tournament website. The Referee shall however have general discretionary powers in interpreting any rule or regulation relating to the Tournament and in situations not specifically covered by any applicable rules or regulations governing the Tournament.
Safeguarding Information
1. This LTA Sanctioned Competition is being run at an LTA Registered Venue.
2. All LTA Registered Venues are required to meet certain safeguarding standards.
3. Every LTA Registered Venue has a welfare officer whose details will be displayed at the venue. The Referee will be an LTA licensed official who will act as the competition’s welfare officer. If you have any concerns regarding a child or adult at risk, or anyone’s behaviour towards a child or adult at risk during the competition you can speak to the Referee, venue welfare officer or the LTA directly by reporting a safeguarding concern.
4. For further information on safeguarding, including information for young people on competing and information for parents can be found at www.LTA.org.uk/safeguarding.
Refusal of Entry
The Referee and/or Committee may decline to accept an application from any competitor without giving a reason.
Data Protection Statement/Privacy Policy
By submitting an application to the Tournament, you agree to the publication of your name, LTA membership number, rating, ranking, county, acceptance status, match details and results on the LTA website and to the LTA and/or the tournament organiser of the LTA Tournament, using the details provided on the entry form to communicate information about this and future tournaments, via post/email or SMS.
Anti-Doping Regulations
Regarding the LTA’s Anti-Doping Regulations please refer to relevant section of the LTA Disciplinary Code. (LTA Disciplinary Code, Appendix 1 – Tennis Anti-Doping Programme) This can be found at www.lta.org.uk/about-us/what-we-do/governance-and-structure/rules-regulations/.
Emergency Medical Treatment Provision
In a case of accident, illness or emergency at the Tournament, you acknowledge that emergency medical treatment will be provided if recommended by appropriately qualified medical personnel including, without limitation, St John’s Ambulance.
Media & Photography Policy
By entering the Tournament you acknowledge that you may be involved in filming of, and publicity connected with, the Tournament, including on-court video recording, media interviews, photographs, TV footage, and live streaming of matches. Please inform the Tournament Secretary or Referee if you do not wish to be involved in such publicity. Unofficial photography and video recording is not permitted without the prior consent of the Referee and/or the Committee. To avoid disruption to play, requests must be made with sufficient notice as consent will not normally be sought from players once a match (including warm-up) has commenced. Please refer to the LTA Photography and Filming Policy (2019) available at www.LTA.org.uk/CompetitionRegulations for further information.
ITF World Tennis Number and Restricted Doubles at Hunstanton Tennis Tournament 2024
*Page updated 18:50 02/08/23
Update as of 2nd August 2023
We are aware that the LTA has made changes to the vast majority of players WTNs (both singles and doubles). Competitors WTNs were validated and used as at the date of the draw (17/18th July 2023) therefore competitors entries will not be updated with their ‘new’ WTNs.
The draws are complete and no changes to competitors entries (i.e. changing event(s)) will be considered due to updated WTNs.
ITF World Tennis Number and LTA Membership Number
Making it easier than ever to organise enjoyable tennis matches in Britain – this is the ITF World Tennis Number (WTN).
Whether you’re playing at Wimbledon (we can dream), or just meeting a friend to play matches at your local court (much more likely), everyone’s welcome – and everyone will have their own World Tennis Number.
Intrigued and want to find out more?
In short, the ITF World Tennis Number has…
• A world-wide rating system that ranges from 40.9 (recreational players) to 1 (pro players) – players with an ATP/WTA ranking will be listed as PRO;
• Separate WTNs for singles and doubles players;
• An algorithm that produces your own WTN;
• An algorithm that counts sets, and matches, played which means the more you compete, the more accurate your WTN will be; and
• A personalised digital ‘Game zONe’ feature, which will help you identify opponents with a similar rating online;
The ITF World Tennis Number will make it easier to play matches
We are trying to make it as simple as possible for tennis players in Britain to organise and play more matches, as we know it can sometimes be hard to find someone of a similar level to play against.
You can get an ITF World Tennis Number for free
If you’re an Advantage member in the Play, Play+ or Compete categories, who wants to play or compete at any level, you’ll be able to get your own ITF WTN for free.
This rating system will cover all adults and juniors born before 2012.
LTA Registration Number (BTM)
Players who have not applied for LTA membership (which will include a free membership number) can also apply for one In the Advantage section of the LTA website.
We are encouraging everyone to include a Membership Number and World Tennis Single and Doubles Numbers on the entry form this year.
This will make administration easier to enter and cross check, and also enable ALL matches played to be recognised by the LTA.
Having this number will make it much easier to locate a player and to check their correct WTN (Singles and Doubles).
Privacy Policy
We are making every effort to comply with the UK GDPR as a small organisation.
We will continually update this page as necessary. We will always be honest and as clear as we can about what we do with your data.
This page is not exhaustive, and we take your personal information and privacy seriously. If you have any concerns, please contact us by either submitting a form on our website or by emailing [email protected].
When we receive an entry the email address is captured and held on our database. This is secure and is only accessible by relevant members of the committee. The email addresses are used to notify you of updates for the tournament that year and subsequent years unless you choose to unsubscribe.
When you enter the tournament using the electronic form on our website, this gets emailed to an email address that is accessible by the relevant members of the committee. Entry forms are then printed and stored in a folder as paper backup should any systems fail. Once your entry has been received, we enter the details into Tennis Tournament Planner (“TTP”), this is owned by the LTA ‘Lawn Tennis Association’ and licenced to tennis venues, referees and organisers, only the relevant members of the committee have the licence key for the Hunstanton Lawn Tennis Tournament.
To enable us to process your entry and for you to progress through the tournament we will display your first and last names as given by you on the entry form. We will display this in our printed programmes, on printed draw sheets presented on the wall in the pavilion at the Recreation Ground in Hunstanton and on the tables used by the referees in the referee’s marquee, these are used to record scores to enable the committee to track your progress through the tournament.
The information you have submitted to the LTA will be processed in accordance with their own privacy policy. (https://www.lta.org.uk/)
This privacy policy does not affect the rights granted to you by the UK GDPR.
Code of Practice
Code of Practice for Parents and Guardians
Hunstanton Lawn Tennis Tournament is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of all its competitors. The Committee believes that it is important that players, coaches, administrators, parents and guardians associated with the Tournament should, at all times, show respect and understanding for the safety and welfare of others. Therefore, parents and/or guardians of competitors are encouraged to be open at all times and to share any concerns or complaints that they may have about any aspect of the Tournament with:-
Kris Dymond – Tournament Referee – [email protected]
Lorna Holden – Club Welfare Officer – [email protected] – 07949 474074
At the Tournament parents and/or guardians are expected to abide by the following code of practice:
• Encourage their child or children to learn the rules of tennis and play in accordance with them;
• Discourage unfair play and arguing with officials;
• Help their child or children to recognise good performance, not just results;
• Never force their child or children to take part in tennis;
• Set a good example by recognising fair play and applauding the good performances of all competitors;
• Never punish or belittle a competitor for losing or making mistakes;
• Publicly accept judgements made by officials;
• Support their child or children’s involvement and help them to enjoy playing tennis;
• Use correct and proper language at all times;
• Ask: “Did you enjoy it?” not “Did you win?” when their child or children leaves the court; and
• At no stage communicate with their child or children, or interfere with officials during a match.
The location of the tournament is:
Hunstanton Recreation Ground
Cromer Road
PE36 6BZ
Get directions (Using Google Maps) HERE
Get directions (Using Waze) HERE
Get directions (Using HERE WeGo) HERE
Contact Us
Please click HERE to go to the Contact Us page
What 3 Words
W3W link HERE
Map of the Tournament grounds can be found HERE.

The tournament will always take place on the Sunday prior to the third Monday in August each year.
This week is our allotted week from the LTA so that we fit in with other scheduled tournaments.
Tournament week can shift a week in either direction depending on what day it is on the 1st August.
Future Tournament Dates
Sunday 18th August to Saturday 24th August 2024
Sunday 17th August to Saturday 23rd August 2025
Sunday 16th August to Saturday 22nd August 2026
Sunday 15th August to Saturday 21st August 2027
Sunday 20th August to Saturday 26th August 2028